Ep. 19 - Statists Force Vs. Property Rights, Government Poising, Private Schooling, Privatize It All

Ep. 19 - Statists Force Vs. Property Rights, Government Poising, Private Schooling, Privatize It All

The guys talk about a few local news stories including a greenhouse wanting to bring in workers and the surrounding neighborhood wanting to use government to stop it. Another news story about how the government's recommendation for allowable poison in the water turns out to be wrong? Well, I'm for one shocked! Then a look at the benefits for privatization including schooling.

Ep. 17 - Michigan News Potpourri With Libertarian Commentary

Ep. 17 - Michigan News Potpourri With Libertarian Commentary

The government approves the legal level to poison you:



 Michigan Schools need permission to do things:


Colleges overspending on upper management:



Kalamazoo Central Planning Of Asylum Lake - Business Vs. Nature:



Where to Subscribe

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-road-to-freedom-podcast/id1430099817

Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-road-to-freedom-podcast

Google Play - https://player.fm/series/the-road-to-freedom-podcast

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-uqc9Q7juIi-z21TlTugFg

Ep. 06 - Taking A NAP In School - Part 1

The boys give an update on the homeless issues discussed in the last episode and then discuss why public education is a moral violation and how it's an old failing system in need of breaking apart and privatizing it.

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-road-to-freedom-podcast/id1430099817

Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-road-to-freedom-podcast

Google Play - https://player.fm/series/the-road-to-freedom-podcast

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-uqc9Q7juIi-z21TlTugFg